Aethercomm has a 20-year legacy of designing and developing high-power amplifiers, switches, and more hardware for airborne platforms. Our airborne heritage includes Radar, Electronic Warfare and Communications from DC to 40+ GHz. We have delivered tens of thousands of complex RF power modules employed on fighter and attack aircraft, and our hardware can be found on every fighter jet except the F22. Our high-power RF amplifiers and switches are on most US Army and USMC helicopters, and our hardware is deployed on over 40 UAV’s and in missiles. Our airborne hardware is combat proven and thrives in the harshest environments on earth.
Aethercomm has delivered over 300,000 high power amplifiers in support of Radar, Electronic Warfare and Communication missions. Our land based hardware has been in combat and thrives in some of the harshest places on earth. Our RF amplifiers are found on every US Army ground vehicle and our land based radar power amplifiers are deployed around the world for the USMC. Many of the products we shipped over ten years ago are still operating as intended.
For twenty years, Aethercomm has been supplying high power amplifiers for ship to ship and ship to shore missions. Aethercomm has a rich tradition in supporting the US Navy and allied navies worldwide.
Aethercomm is currently delivering several variants of high powered X band SSPA’s flying LEO, MEO and GEO missions.